God saves the best of his earthly and heavenly gifts for last, and serves them with abundance and deep joy to those who wait for Him, trust Him, love Him.
The coming of Christ, first in his humble birth in a stable and again in his return on a cloud of power and glory is at the heart of this new season of worship.
Today, we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. The Lord Jesus is no ordinary king, no figurehead king. Christ is the king whose kingdom does not belong to this world, but to God.
As we wait in hope for His glorious return, we realize that we are all created for eternal life with God. And yet we are all sinners, redeemed but so imperfect. So, we must acknowledge in faith that we’re not yet there.
The two widows in today's readings are two unlikely champions of faith that offer one powerful message about walking by faith and love in the midst of their sorrow and grief.
He tells the Zebedee brothers and all his disciples that they should never seek the spotlight, they should never crave prestige and authority over others, and they should always act as servants and not masters.
Following Jesus has never been easy. Every day we must choose our treasures. Is our treasure having everything go our way or is our treasure that everything go according to God’s mysterious design?
The Catholic response is to keep the dying person as comfortable and pain-free as possible, and to accompany them with love and compassion all the way home to God.