The amazing conversion story of Zacchaeus concludes with Jesus announcing: “Today salvation has come to this house because this man too is a descendant of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.”
At the heart of Catholic social teaching is the God-given dignity of each and every human being. Every stage of human life is precious in God’s sight, from the unborn child to the elderly patient that is nearing his or her last breath
My friends, there are times in which we might be tempted to give up our faith, or stop praying to God, or despair of ever knowing God’s love again. Moses surely wondered about having enough stamina to keep his hands raised during the long drawn out battle.
One of the pitfalls, the obstacles to a deep, abiding faith in God is ingratitude. The sad truth is that we can go days without pausing to thank God for favors big and small, for actual graces we beg for and those that come to use by surprise.
Jesus gives us a familiar and beautiful image of faith in the gospel today. He says that faith is like a mustard seed. This image suggests that faith, if nurtured properly, is a gift that can grow and blossom over the years.