The readings this Sunday are all about the meaning of spiritual kingship. The gospel passage is a riveting account of the last judgment when Christ the King will come in glory to judge the living and the dead. The divine King proceeds to separate them “as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” He places the sheep on his right, pronounces them “blessed," and invites them to take their place in the eternal kingdom Christ had prepared for them. The King then places the goats on his left and called them “accursed” because in their lifetime they did not see and serve him in the “least ones.” The King then banishes them off to eternal punishment. My friends, the Scriptures today deliver a powerful message that Christ is our King, and that his kingship is so much different than that of earthly kings. His authority is rooted in his identity as the Son of God, not in his royal bloodlines or his physical force. Christ is the real thing. He is the King of the whole universe, a King who serves us as our Redeemer and as the Head of the Body which is our Church.