From among many disciples, twelve are chosen to be apostles, and Christ asks them to share in his saving mission by expelling unclean spirits and curing the illnesses that plague the human family. They accepted the challenge to venture out into the world and bear witness to Christ, not only with their words, but especially with their life. The apostles faced opposition and non-support everywhere they went. Over and over again, the apostles were asked why they were Christian, sometimes with their life on the line. And grace gave them the wisdom and courage to answer in a way that convinced and inspired others to believe.
And so, why are you Catholic? What motivates you to practice your faith? A vibrant, growing Church is an evangelizing Church, a community of disciples not afraid to proclaim and live the gospel to the hilt. We are called to follow in the footsteps of the apostles, taking the risk to bear witness for Christ in our daily lives, even going well past our comfort zone as Catholics.