We conclude our celebration of the Christmas Season this weekend with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The Church teaches that the sinless Christ had no need of repentance, but his baptism signifies his solidarity with sinners; and his making holy the waters of baptism as a means of cleansing us from the stain and power of sin. Today’s readings in the Liturgy of the Word focus our attention on Jesus responding to God the Father’s call to be a servant of divine justice. St. Luke has all the persons of the Trinity present at Jesus’ baptism: The Holy Spirit descends like a dove and rests upon Christ, and the Father announces from the heavens that Jesus “is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” In the baptismal liturgy of the Church, the Father really says the same thing of his newly baptized sons and daughter. May we all live out our baptismal identity as the Father’s adopted children and servants of our Lord Jesus Christ!