St. Paul used an analogy from the world of human anatomy to describe the Church: The Church is one body made up of many parts. Living with differences is not easy, but it is our call as members of the Body of Christ. The Gospel beckons us not to stereotype or demean those who are different from us, but to be steadfast in the truth, patient, and respectful and even eager to work together wherever possible. Under the big tent of the Catholic Church and united by our faith, the sacraments, and official Church teaching, we have E Pluribus Unum; out of the many, one... the universal Church spanning many nations; the particular Church in a diocese comprised of many parishes; the local Church in the parish made up of many different families and individuals, and the domestic Church in the household of multiple members.
At Mass, we offer our prayers and our gifts of bread and wine. And with our different hearts and voices and needs, we are united in our praise and thanksgiving. Then, by the grace of the Holy Eucharist we receive, we are truly one in Christ, and in our commitment to follow the Lord in different ways and circumstances in the week ahead.