In St. Luke’s account of Jesus’ Presentation, we find the Holy Family in Jerusalem to mark Mary’s purification after giving birth to a male child and we hear about Jesus' parents faithfully carrying out that ancient Jewish ritual by making a sacrificial offering. Notice what happens: Mary and Joseph don’t keep the birth of Christ a secret known only to a few shepherds and three astrologers from the East. They travel to their spiritual home, the Temple, to proclaim the coming of the Lord so that others may share in their joy and the fulfillment of God’s promises to his beloved People. This story of Jesus’ Presentation delivers a powerful message about our own responsibility to share the good news. We simply can’t keep our faith in Christ to ourselves. Christ has told us to “go out to all the world” and tell the good news. Mary and Joseph presented Jesus in the Temple in their time. We need to present Jesus to the world in which we live because it is the best news that people will ever hear, and we can’t keep it to ourselves.