Today’s feast gives us some food for thought about how to keep the Christmas spirit going throughout the year. God’s answer is very simple: “charity begins at home.” Our families must truly become domestic churches, where prayer and Christian virtue are practiced and cultivated every day. Husbands and wives should love and honor each other by putting each other first in all things -- not their careers, not their finances, not their material things, not their individual interests and needs. Children should always respect their parents and show a loving deference to their elders, and gradually assume responsibility for the conduct of their lives. Every family is called to be a holy family welcoming strangers with hospitality befitting a Christian community, and regularly reaching out to others in need, for charity begins at home. Every parish is also called to become a holy family as well, recognizing and celebrating the gifts of all its members and paying attention to the needs of the marginalized, for charity begins at home.