This is Jesus’ lament and it is our challenge: to keep the fire of the Kingdom of God brightly lit and to spread it like a wildfire in the dry summer heat. And that takes commitment.. to prayer, to Church, to Mass and the sacraments, to charity, and ultimately to Jesus, to being a disciple of Jesus in all facets of our lives. The big question is “are we willing to make that commitment… and face its consequences”?
One of the consequences of this commitment to discipleship is division. Not everybody buys the gospel. They didn’t in Jesus’ time and they don’t today. It takes a committed disciple and the grace of faith to stay focused on the gospel, to weather the storms of our lives, and to keep the fire of the Kingdom of God burning and spreading in the fields of our world. Every fire needs something combustible and fuel in order to burn. We are combustible, if we let the fire of the Kingdom of God burn in us, and the Eucharist is the best fuel we can find. May Christ’s Body and Blood fan the flame of our faith and strengthen our commitment to follow the Lord everywhere we go!