With God, we can overcome any obstacle. This is the gospel truth we proclaim on Easter Sunday when Christ overcame the grave. All our Scripture readings this evening give abundant testimony to God’s track record of overcoming so many obstacles to redeem us from the ravages of sin and to save us from the clutches of death.
Many people struggle to maintain their hope in God these days. Our well-being can be threatened by so many things. Our security can be shaken by fears and human cruelty. Our health can be imperiled by disease or age. Our serenity can be upset by relational hurts or other forms of suffering. Our spiritual growth can be stunted by our own sin, or the sin of others. Whatever the obstacle, God can overcome it. Friends, may Jesus’ resurrection bring us abiding hope in his undying mercy. For with God, we can overcome any obstacle. No wonder we can sing with gusto at Easter: Alleluia!