Are you interested in learning more about our Catholic faith? Join us for the first installment of a 4-part series on the basic tenets of our faith, taught by Fr. Paul Ritt. This course is free and all are welcome!
2022 Meeting Dates and Time:
Wednesday Evenings: June 8, 15, 22
6:30-8:00 pm
St. Maria Goretti Church Hall, 112 Chestnut St., Lynnfield
Required Text:
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults from the USCCB (available for free online:
To register, contact Kate McGrath via email or 781-598-4313 x224.
Our first summer session will focus on The Creed: The Faith Professed and our individual responses to the Lord’s presence in our daily lives.
Summer Series Prayer Book
Introduction, Divine Revelation and Faith, Scripture and Tradition
Jesus Christ, Truly God and Truly Human; The Holy Spirit, the Divine Advocate and Giver of Life
The Church and Our Eternal Destiny