E Pluribus Unum – “out of the many, one.” This is the motto of our country. St. Paul never heard of the United States of America, but he did grasp the meaning of E Pluribus Unum when it comes to the Church. So, he used an analogy from the world of human anatomy to describe the Church: the Church is one body made up of many parts, many members. Each part of the body, each member of the body, is distinct and exercises its own function to keep the body healthy. This is the way God has designed the Church: E Pluribus Unum -- out of the many, one. Out of many parts, there is one body with Christ as the Head.
This logic applies to a family; it applies to business and the corporate world; it applies to sports teams. It even applies to God: out of three different persons loving each other eternally, there is one. We are, by God’s saving design, E Pluribus Unum – out of many members, the Lord has formed one Church by his grace.