Jesus Christ faced a full range of trials and temptations, as the gospel for this Sunday testifies. Immediately following his baptism and just before he began his public ministry, Christ went into the desert, a wasteland devoid of creature comforts. He went there to face his trials and temptations head on. Though he was the eternal Son of God, Christ had a full human nature, so he was not spared the full gamut of thoughts and feelings that can so easily creep into our own minds and hearts during any trial.
We all have to deal with trials and temptation in our lives. We all have to spend time in the desert… there is no escaping it. Today’s gospel invites all of us to enter into our deserts with a measure of confidence because Christ has been there before us and will be with us every step of the way. Christ endured his desert experience by keeping his eyes on the prize: his life with his beloved Father. Through all his trials and temptations, Christ went to such great lengths to love us. And that should be our strategy every single day as well: going to great lengths to love others as much as we can.