With a deep abiding trust in his Father’s power to save him, Jesus bore his cross, with unwavering confidence in his Father’s providence and saving love. And he asks us, his followers, to do the same. We can’t carry our various crosses in life all by ourselves — we’re too weak and fragile — and any cross gets too heavy after a while. But with the example of Jesus, the help of people like Simon of Cyrene, and the encouragement of spiritual companions along the way; and with the grace of the Word of God and the sacraments of the Church, we can pick up any cross and follow Jesus, trusting in the Father’s graceful support every step of the way. We may, of course, feel forsaken from time to time, especially in moment of painful loss or overwhelming stress, but our faith assures us that we are never alone, and left to our own resources.
At the start of Holy Week, may our Holy Communion with Jesus help us commend our suffering to God the Father, and bear our crosses with trust in the compassionate heart of our God!